TARGET EMISSIONS SOFTWARE gives your team a deep view into all of your emissions assessment data. Whether you’re using Method 21, Alternative Work Practice (AWP), managing your program internally, or subcontracting your inspections.
TARGET ONLINE’s user-friendly web interface gives you a clear and seamless presentation of fugitive emission survey results, repair tracking, and regulatory reporting.
Experience the power of Sensible EDP as it captures, monitors, and processes your environmental data in real-time. With seamless integration to air, water, and soil sensors, our cutting-edge platform empowers your organization to effortlessly monitor and analyze environmental data within a single interface. Sensible EDP is your go-to solution for all your monitoring needs, both now and in the future.
The Opgal EyeCGas™ cooled MIR camera combines small, handheld size with robust Volatile Organic Compounds emissions detection capabilities.
Our team of trained and experienced OGI camera operators can survey for TVOCs including CO2, CO. Opgal’s QOGI platform is best in class and is included with each camera purchase.
The Sensors Inc. HI-FLOW 2 TDLAS technology is a game-changer in the environmental industry. The HI-FLOW 2™ provides accurate and reliable quantification of methane emissions for regulatory compliance purposes as well as for non-regulatory ESG-driven projects, such as abandoned wells and generating defendable OGMP scope level data sets.
Sensors ACR acknowledged technology is essential for companies to accurately quantify and reduce their methane emissions, which can have a significant impact on the environment.
The SENSIT® SPOD is a low-cost, small-footprint, solar-powered sensor system designed for fenceline applications at oil & gas facilities and industrial sites where fugitive emissions may be present.
The SPOD combines wind and air pollutant concentration measurements to detect VOC emission plumes and help locate the source of emissions via real-time continuous monitoring that can be processed through the Sensible Environmental Data Platform (EDP).
The Kuva Daylight camera is a fully integrated design (camera, pan stage, cellular, solar powered) that allows for the quick installation and continuous monitoring of methane and VOCs during daylight hours. The system operates on non-thermal shortwave infrared (SWIR) technology for false positive minimization. The camera has the ability to select up to six 45° field-of-view segments out of the full 360° panning potential. The scanning infrared imaging system automatically detects and measures emissions and provides operators with an annotated and animated video clip of the leak.